The ISMANAM 28 Conference is devoted to exploring the forefront of research in the synthesis, structure, properties, and applications of metastable materials. This event will cover a wide range of topics with the aim of delving into areas that include, but are not limited to:

  • Various classes of metastable materials such as metallic glasses, amorphous materials, high entropy alloys, nanostructured materials, quasicrystals, and materials with high levels of defects, along with related processing techniques, structural characterizations, thermal analyses, and computational models.

  • Discussions on advanced preparation and processing techniques of these materials, as well as their atomic and electronic structures, with the goal of gaining a deep understanding of fundamental scientific questions.

  • Comprehensive analyses of the materials' magnetic, transport, atomic diffusion, optical, mechanical, and chemical properties, focusing on their potential applications in fields such as energy conversion and storage.

  • Special emphasis on the dynamics, structural relaxation, aging, ultra-stability, crystallization process, clustering, ordering, and phase transition in amorphous materials, as well as research into thin films, coatings, and multilayer structures.

  • Research involving computational simulations, machine learning, and big data-driven approaches to study amorphous, high entropy, and nanocrystalline materials, aiming to guide the discovery and development of materials with superior properties.

This conference will center on a variety of metastable materials, aiming to foster interdisciplinary exchanges and collaborations to advance this cutting-edge scientific field. By bringing together experts and scholars from around the globe, ISMANAM 28 aims to serve as a platform for exchanging the latest scientific findings and exploring the future application prospects of metastable materials.