The information of plenary speakers will be continuously updated. Please stay tuned.

Name Affiliation  Title
Jan Schroers   Yale University, USA   Are Metallic Glasses Brittle or Ductile?
Jürgen Eckert   Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria   Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Materials
Akihisa Inoue   Josai International University, Japan   Development and Attractive Characteristics of High Entropy-Type Glassy and Amorphous Alloys
En Ma   Xi’an Jiaotong University, China   Crystallizing amorphous phase on 0.1 nanosecond time scale to enable non-volatile memory at SRAM speed 
Wei Hua Wang Institute of Physics, CAS / SLAB, China     Breaking the vitrification limitation of monatomic metals
Beatrice Ruta Institut Néel, France Structure and Atomic motion in metallic glasses at high pressure
A. Lindsay Greer  Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, UK  Extending the energy range of the glassy state in metals