The information of invited speakers will be continuously updated. Please stay tuned.

Name Affiliation  Title
Tadeusz Kulik Warswa University of Technology, Poland   Bulk metallic glasses structure and properties modification in low-temperature plasma
Dmitri LOUZGUINE Tohoku University, Japan   Rapid and unconventional nanocrystallization of metallic glasses below the glass-transition temperature
Jinn P. Chu National Taiwan University of Science and Technology   Metallic Glass for Fabricating Highly-Ordered Metallic Nanostructure Arrays
Prashanth Konda Gokuldoss Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia   Novel interpenetrating composites by hybrid manufacturing technology
Chuang Dong Dalian Jiaotong University, China     Composition rule of silicate glasses in terms of the cluster-plus-glue-atom model
Jun Shen Fujian University of Technology, China   Unraveling the Structural Origins of Compositional Sensitivity in Room-Temperature Plasticity of Metallic Glasses
Yong Yang City University of Hong Kong Toughening metallic and oxide glasses by in situ chemical mixing/segregation
Kang Cheung Chan The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   Additive Manufacturing of high strength metallic glass lattice structures with excellent energy absorption
Corey O'Hern Yale University, USA   Predicting the glass-forming ability of alloys
Anaël Lemaître Laboratoire Navier, France Stress correlation in amorphous solids
Ralf Busch Universität des Saarlandes, Germany   The effect of composition on the thermodynamics, structure, mechanical properties and atomic motion of (Pd-Pt)42.5Cu27Ni9.5P21 alloys
Mo Li Georgia Institute of Technology, USA   Entropies of multicomponent alloys
Paul M. Voyles University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA  Complex Behavior of Supercooled Metallic Liquids: Composition-Dependent Dynamics and Two-Stage, Non-Classical Crystal Nucleation
Ning Xu University of science and Technology of China, China   Similarities between self-propelled and sheared systems
Zhao Ping Lu University of Science and Technology Beijing, China Glass transition and crystallization behavior of high entropy metallic glasses
Ke Fu Yao Tsinghua University, China Recent research progress of high-performance Fe-based soft magnetic amorphous alloys
Zhe Feng Zhang Institute of metal research, CAS, China Ductile-to-brittle transition criterion of metallic glasses
Yi Li Institute of metal research, CAS, China Rejuvenation of metallic glass through memory effect in various bulk metallic glasses
Lan Hong Dai Institute of Mechanics, CAS, China Atomic-scale insights into emergence of shear bands in merallic glasses
Li Min Wang Yanshan University, China How could melting entropy of materials be connectedwith glass formation?
Tong De Shen Yanshan University, China A novel low-cost medium-entropy stainless steel with exceptional mechanical behavior over a wide temperature range
Yong Zhang University of Science and Technology Beijing, China Data driving design of high-entropy alloys for lightweight and dynamic applications
Wei Zhang Dalian University of Technology, China Optimizing nanostructure and magnetic softness of Fe-Si-B-Cu nanocrystalline alloys via tailoring melt-spun structure by microalloying
Bao Long Shen Southeast University, China Dual-phase nano-glass-hydrides overcome the strength-ductility trade-off and magnetocaloric bottlenecks of rare earth based amorphous alloys
Lin Liu Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China  Additive Manufacturing of Bulk Metallic Glasses: Structure and Properties
Jian Qiang Wang Institute of metals research, CAS, China Enhanced pitting corrosion resistance for high-entropy alloys by controlling the content and size of the L12 nanoprecipitates
Min Qiang Jiang Institute of Mechanics, CAS, China Inertia effect of deformation in amorphous solids: a dynamic mesoscale model
Yuan Wu University of Science and Technology Beijing, China Lightweight single-phase Al-based complex concentrated alloy with high specific strength
Mao Zhi Li Renmin University of China, China Isothermal glass transition in metallic glasses
Gang Wang Shanghai University, China  In-orbit solidification behavior of Zr-Cu-Ni-Al metallic glass-forming liquids
Shao Xiong Zhou Jiangsu JITRI Advanced Energy Materials Research Institute, China Development and applications of iron-based soft magnetic amorphous ribbons
Walter Jose Botta Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil Crystallization behaviors and electrochemical properties of multicomponent glassy and amorphous alloys
Shuai Wei Aarhus University, Denmark Relaxations, Boson peaks, and fragilities: a comparison between amorphous phase-change materials and metallic glasses
Tetsu Ichitsubo Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University Controlling of glass heterogeneity supposed in fragile metallic glassformer towards an ultrastablestate
Elke Sondermann Institute of Materials Physics in Space,  German Aerospace Center  Atomic diffusion in metallic melts and the influence of gravity
Zheng Wang Zhu School of metallurgy, Northeastern University Scale manufacture of ductile Zr-based metallic glass sheets through twin-roll strip casting
Mark D. Shattuck The City College of New York Universal distribution of cell shapes in active systems
Wei Zhang Dalian University of Technology Optimizing nanostructure and magnetic softness of Fe-Si-B-Cu nanocrystalline alloys via tailoring melt-spun structure by microalloying
Yujie Wang Chengdu University of Technology Statistical Physics of Granular Matter
Bo Zhang Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory Geological timescales' aging effects of lunar glasses
Jianzhong Jiang Zhejiang University Super elastic behavior in disordered alloys